
宋仲基和宋慧乔离婚 “双宋”童话爱情结束了

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

2016年4月,那部火遍全国,由宋仲基(Song Joong-ki)与宋慧乔(Song Hye-kyo)主演的韩剧《太阳的后裔》(Descendants of the Sun)你还记得吗?


Descendants Of The Sun stars Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo to divorce


The Korean actor says he does not want to argue over who is to blame and wants the process to be wrapped up amicably.  


amicably为副词,其形容词性:amicable,表示“友好的,和睦的”,英文解释为“relating to an agreement or decision that is achieved without people arguing or being unpleasant”举个🌰:

Few people have amicable divorces.


wrap up

表示“圆满完成,结束”,英文解释为“to complete something successfully”举个🌰:

That just about wraps it up for today.


Korean star couple, Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo, are headed for divorce. The actor released an official statement through his lawyer on Thursday (Jun 27), in which he said he has “begun the process of filing for divorce”.

file for sth

表示“提起(离婚、破产等的)申请”,英文解释为“to make an official request for something such as divorce or bankruptcy”举个🌰:

The Morrisons have filed for divorce.


He apologised “for delivering this unfortunate news to the many fans who love and care for me” but said that he did not want to point fingers over who was to blame for the end of the marriage.

point the/a finger at sb

表示“指责某人,责怪某人”,英文解释为“to blame someone or say that they have done something wrong”举个🌰:

I knew that they would point the finger at me.


下文用了denounce来替换这一含义,denounce:to express strong disapproval of someone or something, especially in public 谴责,指责,斥责。

“大家好,我是宋仲基,首先很抱歉向喜爱我并珍爱我的各位传达了不好的消息。为了和宋慧乔离婚,我进行了调解。两人都希望圆满地结束离婚程序,而不是互相指责。私生活方面的事情很难一一告诉大家,希望大家谅解,以后我将摆脱现在的伤痛,以演员的身份全力投入到作品活动中,用好的作品报答大家。谢谢。”(译文来源于@新浪娱乐 )

The 33-year-old continued: “Rather than denouncing one another and arguing over who is to blame, I hope that the divorce process can be wrapped up amicably.”

Song said it was difficult to discuss the details of his personal life and called for everyone’s understanding. He also said he would recover from his “current wounds” and would do his best to repay the fans with “great productions in the future”.

Song’s lawyer confirmed that the divorce was filed at the Seoul Family Court on Wednesday.

Song Hye-kyo, 37, was last seen in the romantic TV series Encounter with co-star Park Bo-gum. According to several media reports, Park's agency on Thursday said they would take "strict legal action" against any rumours being spread in regard to the two co-stars.

In a separate statement, Song Hye-kyo's agency asked the public to avoid "speculative media reports and comments" on the split, adding that the reason for divorce was "a difference in personality".

Fans rushed to social media to mourn the breakup of what some called the "perfect couple".

News of the divorce, which broke Thursday morning, dominated both the South's Naver portal, with six of its top 10 search terms linked to it, and Twitter in the country, where the top four trending words were related.



Naver is a South Korean online platform operated by Naver Corporation. It debuted in 1999 as the first web portal in Korea to develop and use its own search engine.(Wikipedia)

The high-profile couple, dubbed the SongSong couple, got married in October 2017 after they both starred in the mega-hit TV series Descendants Of The Sun in 2016.


表示“引人注目的,备受关注的”,英文解释为“attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television, etc.”举个🌰:

He resigned from a high-profile job.



hit作为名词,表示“非常受欢迎的人(或事);非常成功的人(或事)”,英文解释为“a thing or person that is very popular or successful”,举个🌰:

The Beatles had a string of number-one hits in the 1960s.


mega-表示“非常大的;给人深刻印象的;十分令人愉快的”,英文解释为“very big and impressive or enjoyable”举个🌰:

Their first record was a mega hit.


According to Koreaboo, just one month ago, Song had said that his marriage had led him to become “more emotionally stable”. He said this during a press conference for his latest drama Arthdal Chronicles. “Nothing changed too drastically, but I do feel like I’ve become more emotionally stable as a result. I feel like all married people would understand this feeling.”

Arthdal Chronicles

Arthdal Chronicles:《阿斯达年代记》(아스달 연대기) ,为韩国tvN于2019年6月1日起播出的周末连续剧,是一部100%事前制作的电视剧。

Arthdal Chronicles is a 2019 South Korean television series directed by Kim Won-seok written by Kim Young-hyun and Park Sang-yeon, starring Jang Dong-gun, Song Joong-ki, Kim Ji-won and Kim Ok-vin.(Wikipedia)

Song Hye-kyo first gained fame with a role in the 2000 TV series Autumn in My Heart and was among the guests at a state dinner in Beijing when South Korean President Moon Jae-in visited China in 2017.

Autumn in My Heart

Autumn in My Heart:《蓝色生死恋》(가을동화)是韩国KBS自2000年9月18日起播放的月火迷你连续剧,宋承宪、宋慧乔、元斌、韩彩英及韩娜娜等主演。

Autumn in My Heart (also known as Autumn Fairy Tale or Autumn Tale) is a 2000 South Korean romantic television drama, starring Song Seung-heon, Song Hye-kyo and Won Bin.

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